Tag Archive for: LiminalDK


Etudes is the eleventh reconstruction of works from the Danish Culture Canon for the Performing Arts by Zarathustra’s Uncle.
Etudes is created by Harald Lander in 1948 with music by Knudaage Riisager based on Carl Czerny’s Etudes.

Etudes was performed May 22, 2010 at Zene+, Viften in Rødovre, Denmark
and January 28, 2012 at Showcase Beat Le Mot: Residenz Evil in Marstall, München

Dancer: Henrik Vestergaard Friis.
Video: Helle Lyshøj.
Choreography: Hilary Briggs, Henriette Thorslund and Harald Lander.
Music: Carl Czerny, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Knudaage Riisager and DJ radio.

Read more at zonkel.com
